Login Registration Template with Google and Facebook Buttons

Last Updated: 2024-02-21 16:38:49

login registration template design with google and facebook buttons

You may already know how to create a login registration page. Also, previously we have shared techniques to create a login registration page in HTML CSS, and javascript. Now in this post, we will create a login registration template having login with Google and Facebook buttons. We will add those buttons in both, login and registration forms.

We will design those forms in a way so that users can easily switch between login and registration from easily. Previously we have shared this technique, so if you do not know how to toggle a login registration forms please check out our previous post.


Also, please note that this post is only for the design purpose, for form validation, you can check our login form validation and registration from the validation post.



👉 Five Login Registration Form Example 👈👈

  1. Login Registration Template With Google And Facebook Buttons
  2. Login Registration Template With Password Show Hide Feature
  3. Toggle Login And Registration Form In HTML CSS And JavaScript
  4. Login Page Template Design With Particle JS Animation
  5. HTML CSS Login Page Template With Animated Label And Submit Button



Steps to design a login and registration template with Google and Facebook Buttons

  1. Create an HTML structure for login and registration forms.
  2. Apply CSS to design the login and registration forms.
  3. Use JavaScript to implement toggling options.
  4. Add the fontawesome icon CDN to use fontawesome icon.
  5. Design Google and Facebook icons.

HTML Structure

Our first step is creating the HTML structure. As you know that our main target is adding a login with Google and Facebook button add. Hence here we are only focusing on those button's structure. But you can download the complete source code.


< form action="#" class="signin-form">
    < h2>Sign In< /h2>

    < !-- your input field -->
    < !-- or download complete source code -->
    < div class="button-group">
        < button class="btn-google">Google < i class="fa-brands fa-google">< /i>< /button>
        < button class="btn-facebook">Facebook < i class="fa-brands fa-facebook">< /i>< /i>< /button>
    < /div>

< /form>

< form action="#" class="signup-form">
    < h2>Sign Up< /h2>

    < !-- your input field -->
    < !-- or download complete source code -->

    < div class="button-group">
        < button class="btn-google">Google < i class="fa-brands fa-google">< /i>< /button>
        < button class="btn-facebook">Facebook < i class="fa-brands fa-facebook">< /i>< /i>< /button>
    < /div>
< /form>

Please note that this is just an example, you can download the complete source code for here.




Design the login with Google and Facebook buttons

Our second step is designing the login with Google and Facebook buttons. Hence here we are only focusing on this. But you can download the complete source code.


    padding: 10px 20px;
    margin: 30px 0;
    font-size: 16px;
    font-weight: bold;
    color: #fff;
    letter-spacing: 1px;
    cursor: pointer;
    text-transform: capitalize;
    display: inline-block;
    width: 50%;
    float: left;
    transition: .5s;

    background: rgb(0, 128, 0, .8);

    background: rgb(0, 128, 0);

    background: rgb(12, 12, 139, .8);

    background: rgb(12, 12, 139);

Google and Facebook Buttons:

Incorporate Google and Facebook login buttons into the template. You can use the respective branding guidelines provided by Google and Facebook to style the buttons consistently with their branding. Add appropriate links or JavaScript functionality to handle the login process using these platforms.

Button Hover Effects:

Consider adding hover effects to the buttons to provide visual feedback to users when they interact with them. This can include changing the background color, adding a subtle animation, or adjusting the button's appearance to indicate interactivity.


Please note that this is just an example, you can download the complete source code for here.




In conclusion, designing a Login and Registration Template in HTML and CSS with Google and Facebook Buttons offers a beginner-friendly opportunity to create an appealing and functional user interface. By following the outlined steps, you can create visually attractive forms with well-organized layouts and responsive designs. Integrating Google and Facebook login buttons provides users with convenient authentication options.


Additionally, paying attention to form validation, user experience, and testing ensures a seamless and user-friendly login and registration process. Remember to adhere to best practices, optimize the code, and consider accessibility and security considerations. With these considerations in mind, you can create a professional and engaging login and registration template that enhances the user experience and provides a solid foundation for user authentication on your website.

Still you face problems, feel free to contact with me, I will try my best to help you.