Replace multiple space to one space in c#
Last Updated: 2022-11-27 22:35:18
If you want to know how to replace multiple spaces with one space this post is for you. In this post, I will show you how can you replace multiple spaces with one using regular expressions in C#.
Example code for replacing multiple spaces to one using regular expressions in C#.
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
public class SpaceReplace
public static void Main(string[] args)
string sentence = @"This is a string with multiple spaces.";
RegexOptions options = RegexOptions.None;
Regex regex = new Regex("[ ]{2,}", options);
sentence = regex.Replace(sentence, " ");
Console.WriteLine (sentence.Replace("\n", string.Empty));
Note: Make use of your add System.Text.RegularExpressions to the top to use regular expressions.
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