JavaScript Simple Projects - Online Digital Clock With Seconds
Last Updated: 2023-05-29 00:36:13
Developing a simple project is one of the effective ways to learn javascript. In this post, I will describe to you a simple javascript project, which is Online Digital Clock with seconds. I will describe to you in detail with the complete source code. I will give you the complete source code so that you can customize the project based on your requirements. So let's start.
JavaScript Projects For Beginners With Source Code
Developing a simple JavaScript project is one of the best ways to learn javascript for a beginner. Hence if you are a beginner in javascript we are suggesting you develop some simple projects using the basic functionality of javascript. Here are some simple javascript projects for beginners with source code. Go through each link and read the technique. Also, if you want you can download the complete source code.
- Javascript Tip calculator
- Javascript Temperature Converter
- Javascript Length Converter
- Javascript Percentage Calculator
- Javascript Fraction Calculator
- Javascript BMI Calculator
- Javascript Speed Calculator
- Javascript Online Stopwatch Full Screen
- Javascript Online Timer
- Javascript Online Digital Clock
What is Online Digital Clock With Seconds?
An online digital clock with seconds is a web-based clock application that displays the time in a digital format including seconds. The time will update every second. Online digital clock with seconds are often used in online classrooms, meetings, and other virtual settings to help participants stay on schedule. They are accessible from any device with an internet connection and are often free to use.
Steps to create an Online Digital Clock With Seconds in javascript
- Create an HTML file: First, we need to create an HTML file with a div or a span tag element to display the clock.
- Add CSS styling: Apply some CSS to style the clock and position it on the page.
- Create a function to update the clock: We need to create a function and call this function after every second automatically. We can use the JavaScript default setInterval() method to call our function every second automatically.
- Format the time: Now before going to show the time in our HTML tag, we need to format the time.
- Update the clock display: Update the clock display by setting the innerHTML property of the clock div element to the formatted time.
- Test and refine: Test the clock and refactor the code as necessary to ensure it is working as desired.
These are the basic steps to creating a simple javascript online digital clock with seconds using. By following these steps and customizing the code as desired, you can create your own online digital clock to suit your needs. You can download the complete source code from here.
Design the Clock using HTML and CSS
< !DOCTYPE html>
< html>
< head>
< title>Online Digital Clock with Seconds< /title>
< link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
< /head>
< body>
< div id="clock">< /div>
< script src="script.js">< /script>
< /body>
< /html>
- The DOCTYPE declaration specifies the HTML version.
- The head section includes a title for the page and links to the CSS and JavaScript files.
- The body section includes a div element with an ID of "clock" to display the clock, and a script tag to link to the JavaScript file.
#clock {
font-size: 48px;
font-weight: bold;
color: #333;
text-align: center;
margin-top: 100px;
- The #clock selector targets the div element with an ID of "clock".
- The font-size property sets the font size of the clock display.
- The font-weight property sets the font weight to bold.
- The color property sets the text color.
- The text-align property centers the clock display.
- The margin-top property adds space between the clock display and the top of the page.
Please note that this is just an example code, you need to download the complete source code from here.
Javascript Digital Clock With Seconds Example Code
function updateClock() {
// Get the current time using the Date() object
const now = new Date();
// Format the time using the toLocaleTimeString() method
const timeString = now.toLocaleTimeString();
// Update the clock display by setting the innerHTML property of the clock div element
const clock = document.getElementById('clock');
clock.innerHTML = timeString;
// Use the setInterval() method to call the updateClock() function every second
setInterval(updateClock, 1000);
- The updateClock() function gets the current time using the Date() object, formats the time using the toLocaleTimeString() method, and updates the clock display by setting the innerHTML property of the clock div element.
- The setInterval() method is used to call the updateClock() function every second, which ensures that the clock display is always up to date.
- The function first gets the current time using the Date() object by creating a new Date object and storing it in the now variable.
- The time is then formatted using the toLocaleTimeString() method, which returns a string in the user's preferred time format and language.
- The formatted time string is then used to update the clock display by setting the innerHTML property of the clock div element, which is selected using its ID using the document.getElementById() method and stored in the clock variable.
- Finally, the setInterval() method is called with the updateClock() function and a time interval of 1000 milliseconds (1 second) to ensure that the clock display is updated every second.
Please note that this is just an example code, you need to download the complete source code from here.
How this project will help beginners
Creating a simple online digital clock with seconds using JavaScript is a great project for beginners to learn and practice their skills. Here are some ways this project can be helpful:
- Learning the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: This project requires a basic understanding of HTML and CSS to create the clock layout, as well as JavaScript to add functionality to the clock. By working on this project, a beginner can learn the basics of these three web development technologies.
- Practicing JavaScript syntax and concepts: This project involves using JavaScript to get the current time, format the time, and update the clock display. Beginners can practice using various JavaScript methods and concepts such as the Date() object, setInterval(), getElementById(), and innerHTML.
- Debugging skills: As beginners work on this project, they will encounter errors and bugs in their code. Debugging is an essential skill for any programmer, and this project provides an opportunity to practice debugging skills.
- Understanding the importance of user experience: The online digital clock is a simple yet useful feature that can enhance the user experience of a website. By creating a functional and visually appealing clock, beginners can understand the importance of user experience and how small details can make a big difference.
Overall, this project will help beginners to learn and practice their web development skills.
In conclusion, creating a simple online digital clock with seconds using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is a great project for beginners to learn and practice their web development skills. This project requires a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and involves using various JavaScript methods and concepts such as the Date() object, setInterval(), getElementById(), and innerHTML. Hence this project is one of the best ways to learn and practice JavaScript.
Still you face problems, feel free to contact with me, I will try my best to help you.